All hotel bookings and reservations made through our platform are cancellable, but some bookings can be cancelled for free while others can be cancelled with a partial or full payment.
Cancellation procedures and policies may vary with different hotel service providers. We highly recommend you to read service providers cancellation policy before confirm any booking.
Once booking of a hotel room is confirmed by a user through our platform, that room will no longer be available for further bookings in our platform as well as in all the other booking platforms. If user or the guest do not show up or cancel reservation after the timeline, that incurs a financial loss to the service provider or property.
If you cannot reach or arrive on time, please contact the hotel or service provider and inform them that you will show up lately.
If you cancel a booking or don’t show up, you will have to pay a cancellation fee for not showing up as per the Service provider’s cancellation policy.
Some hotel bookings can’t be cancelled for free, while others can be cancelled free, but before a timeline.
When you make a reservation, please see the cancellation policy of the hotel or service provider
We at may help both parties to reach resolution in the event of a dispute. If the issue or dispute is not resolved, then please contact our Customer Care Officers at 24/7 help Center